Q6 NEWTON – High-Performance Benchtop Spark Spectrometer for Metal Analysis

  • Ease-of-use and flexibility at heart.
  • Reduced argon usage and maintenance, along with easy analysis of wires, small pieces and bulky samples.
  • Effortless sample handling, leading to improved precision and stability.
  • Highest operational safety without interfering with safety covers.
  • Fast, simultaneous measurements with high resolution, data quality, and long-term stability.
  • Exceptional performance in analysing light elements (N, O, C, P, S, etc.) with high resolution and minimal argon consumption.
  • Compact, high performance, and proven reliability with the lowest operational costs.
  • Increased sensitivity, resolution, and signal-to-noise ratio for the highest data quality and low detection limits.
  • Permanent transparency and minimised maintenance without additional argon consumption.
  • Quick initial start-up and significantly reduced argon consumption.

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