4-Axis Multi-Target Automatic Cutting Machine

Our SERVOCUT 602-AX-R is designed for cutting complex-shaped specimens at any angle without re-clamping. It combines the most advanced cutting techniques in the same machine. This machine is equipped with a large automated rotary table that eliminates re-clamping, saves time, and provides maximum automation.

Key Benefits

  • Equipped with 360° rotary table with servo motor drive.
  • Ability to cut specimens up to 20 different cutting lines at different angles.
  • Program memory for cutting lines and parameters for Multi-Target Cutting.

The servo motor-driven rotary table allows very precise angle positioning. It saves setup time by storing up to 20 cutting lines with different angles which can be recalled at any time for quick and easy loading.

4-axis cutting is the fastest way to reduce setups, boost throughput, and increase accuracy on complex parts. The angle of the rotary table can be adjusted with 0.1° accuracy. With a combination of all 4-axis, the cutting can be done in any possible position without re-clamping.

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